Credit Card Preferences

Multicultural Analysis


OYE! listens to consumers in their own space online and delivers insight on what multicultural consumers have to say about your brand and/or industry. Understanding consumer attitudes towards brands, their products and their marketing efforts provides our clients insights that inform their multicultural marketing strategy.

Actionable Insights

OYE! is a language neutral social listening software that analyzes conversation in all languages to derive meaning from unstructured social conversation among multicultural consumers. OYE!’s natural language processing solution is designed not only to identify African American and Hispanic consumers of all levels of acculturation, but to also derive insights marketers can use in campaign strategy, messaging and targeting.

The Solution

Insights derived from social conversation by OYE! provide key details into multicultural consumers through their own statements about brands. OYE! analyzes that conversation to allow brands to understand better ways to interact with these groups. OYE! also provides insights on how to create campaigns tailored to these multicultural consumers.

The Value

Leveraging insights from OYE! allows clients to produce content for multicultural consumers most influential over purchasing decisions for your brand where they want it, when they want it and how they want it. The result: Better conversion, lift and engagement.


This analysis was extrapolated from a data set of 22,567 conversations on Twitter, of which 2,999 were from verified Hispanics and 736 were from verified African Americans. All the data was gathered from 04/20/2019 – 05/20/2019.


Volume & Language Analysis | Gender Analysis | Sentiment Analysis

Location Analysis | Topic Analysis by Ethnicity | Topic Analysis by Language

Influencers | Top Shared Posts

Volume & Language Analysis

Volume by Ethnicity

  • U.S. Hispanics made up 13.2% (2,999) of overall conversations, over quadruple the percentage of conversations generated by African Americans at just 3.2% (736).
  • The brands with the highest Hispanic percentage were MasterCard (16%) and American Express (14.5%).
  • The brands with the highest African American percentage were American Express (4.1%), Chase (3.5%), and Discover Card (3.3%).
  • By looking at just percentages, American Express was the most popular brand among African American conversations ranking marginally higher (0.6%) than Chase. Similarly, MasterCard was the most popular among U.S. Hispanics beating out American Express by 1.5%.

Hispanic Language Analysis

  • MasterCard generated the highest portion of Spanish language tweets while American Express led in Bilingual conversation. Discover Card meanwhile led in English conversation, with a whopping 94.5% of tweets in English.
  • Para todo lo de más, existe MasterCard (For everything else, there's MasterCard) is a popularly used slogan among Hispanics because the phrase was marketed by MasterCard in ads. The tagline, which states that there are things that money can't buy, but for everything else, MasterCard can buy it; was popular among Hispanics who use it as a meme.
  • An example of a Spanish MasterCard tweet would be Jose's who tweets about a video saying, "Es como Mastercard, no tiene precio." This falls in line with MasterCard's slogan by saying that the moment in the video was priceless, like MasterCard.
  • An example of a Bilingual American Express tweet would be Juan's who recognizes the winner of the American Express Icon award saying "Grande @chefjoseandres! So proud".
  • An example of an English Chase tweet is Jeff's who says that he's "Been waiting on [his] Chase replacement card for a while, and is tired of using [his] backup account".

Gender Analysis

Hispanic Gender Analysis

African American Gender Analysis

  • The majority of conversations came from African American males (72.5%) as opposed to African American females (27.5%).
  • Capital One had the lowest percentage among African American females (21.4%), however, the low volume of tweets analyzed (14) should be taken into consideration.
  • Overall, African American females were marginally less (2.7%) involved in conversations about credit card companies than Hispanic females.
  • Based on the data, it can be inferred that males talk about credit cards more than females do, at least among the two largest U.S. minority groups.
  • An example of an American Express conversation from an African American male is Justin's who asks about card preference, Platinum or Aspire.

Sentiment Analysis

Hispanic Sentiment Analysis

African American Sentiment Analysis

Location Analysis

Hispanic Location Analysis

African American Location Analysis

Want the Full Version?

The Full Version contains the following:

  • Topic analysis comparisons between Hispanic and African American consumers
  • Topic analysis comparisons between English-speaking, Spanish speaking, and Bilingual Hispanic consumers
  • Top shared social media posts among Hispanic and African American consumers
  • And comparisons between top influencers from the Hispanic and African American audiences


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OYE Offices

Columbus, OH: 1275 Kinnear Rd, Columbus, OH 43212

Phoenix, AZ: 3428 N. 15th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015



PHONE | 650-530-6502